Six going on 16! Suri Cruise sorts her social life on the phone... then meets up with a boy for a playdate


So, shall we hang? Little Suri makes calls on her cell phone as her mother Katie Holmes waits during a trip to New York's Battery Park

She's just six years old.
But Suri Cruise looks like her teenage years have already begun.
The youngster was pictured organising her own playdates on a day out with her mother Katie Holmes in New York on Sunday.
As her mother sat patiently waiting, Suri slumped on a park bench making her calls.
The youngster chatted away, a handbag slung over her body.
But her bored expression was replaced by one of delight as the pair met up with another mother and child pair.

Yeah, mom's cramping my style too! Suri chats away as Katie patiently waits at her side
Suri appeared thrilled with her friend, who could well be a new playmate from her school.
The pair walked in front of their mothers, chatting animatedly.
Suri, dressed in pink, giggled shyly as her friend appeared to take down her number in his iPhone.

So call me! The delighted youngster's bored expression is replaced by one of delight as she meets up with her young friend, and gives him her number

I think he likes me! Suri and the boy appear to be getting along famously

Tom Cruise's daughter was pictured looking worried and anxious as she started school earlier this month.
But it seems the initial nerves have been replaced by a busy new social life.
She recently started at the elite $39,750-per-year Avenues school in New York as one of the first intake of 700 pupils.

I can do Wednesday? Suri continues to chat away on her cell as she and Katie head home

Aimed at the children of the jetsetting elite 'The World School' enables pupils to follow their parents around the globe without being tied to school vacation schedules.
It was initially reported that other parents were concerned Suri's presence could be disruptive, but it appears the youngster has settled in well.
Still, that didn't stop her from scowling as she headed into school on Monday morning, no doubt upset her weekend was over.

I've got that Monday feeling! Suri's smile was long gone as she headed into school this morning

source; dailymail
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