You won't believe your eyes! Artist creates amazing 3D drawings with just a pen and paper


A snake can been seen moving in and out of a piece of paper in one of Ramon Bruin's incredible 3D drawings

A Dutch illustrator has created incredible 3D drawings on paper which seem to have a life of their own.
Ramon Bruin has created amazing 3D drawings of snakes, birds and insects using a technique he calls anamorphosis.
The process comes from airbrushing, something Bruin has been doing for 10 years. But this technique adds a 3D element when he inserts a finger or hand into the drawing to bring it to life.

By adding his fingers into the drawings Bruin's illustrations come to life

Peek-a-boo! Some of Bruin's playful drawings will have you rubbing your eyes in disbelief

source: dailymail
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