What on earth WAS this? Man photographs 'UFO' floating in the clouds moments before ten dead birds appear in garden


UFO outline: Just above the chimney is the strange shape Calum Sherwood saw in the sky in Salterbeck, Cumbria, an area which UFO investigator Sharon Larkin says is a hotspot for supernatural activity

A UFO-like object floating in the clouds was caught on camera on the same day ten dead birds were found in a nearby garden.
Calum Sherwood, 23, was shocked to see the outline of what appeared to be a UFO while riding on a bus in Salterbeck, south of Workington, Cumbria, on Monday.
Sharon Larkin, UFO enthusiast and Mr Sherwood’s friend who lives nearby, found ten dead birds in her garden that day.

Supernatural hotspot: UFO investigator Sharon Larkin found ten dead birds in her garden the same day Mr Sherwood saw the UFO outline, which is nearby to Sellafield nuclear power plant (pictured)

Ms Larkin claims that ‘dead birds are associated with sightings of UFOs’, and experts are divided over the cause - with some believing it could be a rare cloud formation, while others believe it could be ice crystals from a jet engine.
She claims the area, which is close to Sellafield nuclear power plant, was a hotspot for unusual activity.

Nuclear clean up: Sellafield is responsible for decommissioning and reprocessing nuclear waste and fuel manufacturing

Ms Larkin said: ‘There is something about this picture. The line around the edge of the UFO is very clear and very specific.
‘I’ve shown it to other people and some people have suggested it might be an unusual cloud formation, but the perimeter is very clear and I don’t think that’s the case.
‘What’s really strange is that the day Calum took this picture I discovered about ten dead birds in my garden, the back and the front.

Sighting: Morag Ritchie said she saw the UFO hovering over her house in Aberdeenshire, Scotland and caught the blinking lights on camera

‘They were sparrows and blackbirds. It could just be a co-incidence but the discovery of dead birds is associated with sightings of UFOs.’
A spokeswoman from the Met Office said: 'It looks like a it’s just a persisting circular contrail (a condensation trail of ice crystals produced by jet engines at high altitude).

source: dailymail
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