Washed away: House on brink of collapse after floodwaters gush down hill and turn into a raging river


A house has been ripped apart and is on the verge of being completely washed away after roads in Scotland were turned into rivers by torrential rainfall. The left side of the building, located by the Dura Den gorge in East Neuk, Fife, collapsed after a fast-flowing torrent of flood water washed away the house foundations. Five people, including an elderly woman, were trapped in their homes after the river ripped up part of the road in the remote village leaving gaping holes of around '20 feet'.

On the brink of destruction: This entire house in the remote village of Dura Den, Fife, in Scotland, is on the verge of being completely washed away by flood water

Forecasters estimated almost half of October's average rain, around 3 inches, fell in some areas of Scotland on Thursday night and throughout Friday.
One 60 year old Dura Den resident, who would give her name only as 'Janet', said that the water rushing down the street sounded like 'Niagara Falls'.
She said: 'I woke up at 1.30 am as a neighbour called me to tell me water was coming up to my door. t was very scary, it sounded like Niagara Falls in the street. I had four inches of water that came into my house.

Idyllic: The scene before the tiny village in Fife was destroyed by the torrential rain

'The water must have been at its highest at about 5am, it started to subside after that, it may have been because the road breached.
'Half of the road was dropped off, there is about a 20 to 40 feet drop where it has just fallen away. The water has eaten away the tarmac and it's been washed away.

Flooded: The left wall of the building has collapsed into the river with the torrent of water threatening to destroy more of the building's structure

'A whole section of the house next to the road has been washed away as well, the water has just taken it. There is a car stuck not far up the road as well, it is a Land Rover, and it just looks like an island.
'In comparison to the houses near to the road here I have been quite lucky. It is mainly my floor that has been damaged, and one or two bits of furniture.'
North-east Fife has been particularly badly affected with many roads closed and some drivers having to be rescued from their vehicles.

Stream: Heavy rain caused flash floods in the village of Clovelly, Devon, yesterday, damaging homes and pulling up cobbles in the street

A spokesman for Fife Fire and Rescue said they were dealing with many calls and the council were assisting with clearing water from roads in the area.
He said: 'It has been raining for a day now so problems are building up on the roads. A couple of drivers have not realised how deep some puddles are and tried to drive through them and ended up getting stuck.

source: dailymail