Frightfully clever carving: Glowing zombies sculpted from pumpkins crawl out of the ground at Botanical Gardens

Grim on the inside: The zombie pumpkins' skin peels off to reveal pale, bony bodies If you want a real fright this Halloween, take a look at these glowing zombies crawling out of the ground in front of trembling passers-by. The creepy undead figures have been carved out of giant pumpkins at New York's Botanical Gardens. An upright zombie pulls his decaying friend out of the ground in this terrifying display at the Haunted Pumpkin Garden.
Neighbour from hell: You wouldn't want to see this foul vegetable peering up at you from next door's garden The scary sculptures are part of a month of haunted horrors at the gardens, with families jumping out of their skin at chilling sights including the biggest bat in the world and the Gigantic Flying Fox of Malaysia. Visitors will also be able to take a masterclass and learn to craft their own ghoulish gourds.
Putrid pips: Visitors can have a go at creating their own designs - although their pumpkins may not be as massive Each petrifying pumpkin was hand-carved by master carver Ray Villafane, of Food Network fame, and his team - Andy Bergholtz (a current contestant on Food Network's Halloween Wars), Trevor Grove, Alfred Paredes and Chris Vierra. Members of the Great Pumpkin Commonwealth will also be on hand to talk about their passion for growing the gargantuan gourds. source: dailymail