'You don't have a hit!': Lady Gaga fights back after South African band 'kill her off' in video for their single Fatty Boom Boom

Parody: South African band Die Antwoord have made a video lampooning Lady Gaga after she asked them to open her tour

To say that South African band Die Antwoord don't like Lady Gaga would be a massive understatement.
When she asked them to open for her on tour... they didn't just turn her down, they set about making a video in which her lookalike gives birth to a prawn and is then mauled to death by a lion.
Do you think they're trying to tell her something?

Grim: Gaga-lookalikey gives birth to a prawn in the video, because they write on Youtube she is 'a prawn star'

The group premiered their bonkers Fatty Boom Boom video last Tuesday.
An actress, instantly recognisable as a Lady Gaga lookalike, is featured in some seriously unflattering scenes, including one in which she gives birth to a prawn.
She's then chased and mauled by a lion, which really does make it quite a bad day, all in all.

'Prawn star': The Gaga copy gives birth to a prawn

There may be trouble ahead: The actress is stalked by a lion

Gaga's response was shocked rather than angry.
She wrote on Twitter: 'i fink u freaky but you don’t have a hit. hundred thousand tIckets sold in SA. #thatmyshit.'
She followed that up with a second tweet: 'i guess its not a good idea to tell someone you’re a fan. never mind! we get it, you’re not a little monster. WE GOT IT.'

The smell of meat: The actress is wearing a replica of Gaga's meat dress in the video

After metaphorically killing the star and forcing her to birth a crustacean, Die Antwoord were more than happy to write back on Twitter.
They said: 'lady… even tho u r ‘larger’ than us… we still cooler than u… plus we don’t have prawns in our private parts.'
They also posted Gaga’s tweet on their Facebook page, which saw tens of thousands of fans rally to their cause.

Frenzied: The actress is shown defending herself against the faux lion attack

Ghoulish: The blood-spattered scene is slightly over-the-top

source: dailymail