Can I vote too Mummy? Italian MEP's young daughter joins in during debate in Strasbourg parliament

Take your daughter to work day: Italian MEP Licia Ronzulli (back row, centre) is joined by daughter Victoria in a voting session at the European Parliament in Strasbourg We have already seen the young daughters of Victoria Beckham and Jennifer Lopez joining their megastar mums on the front rows at Fashion Week. Now it seems the offspring of female politicians are getting in on the act, after a cute toddler popped up among the men in suits during a voting session in the European Parliament. Victoria Cerioli is just two-years-old, but she looked right at home at the sitting in Strasbourg with her mother, Italian MEP Licia Ronzulli.
The ayes have it: A motion gets two-year-old Victoria's seal of approval in Strasbourg Far from being overwhelmed by her staid surroundings, the youngster was seen donning a pair of headphones and even raised her hands along with her MEP mother as she took part in a vote. Milan-born Ms Ronzulli, a representative of The People of Freedom party, won a seat in the European Parliament in 2009, and is known for bringing her daughter along to plenary sessions.
Political aspirations: The little girl sat quietly with her hands crossed during the session, left, before trying on her mother's headphones for size, right Victoria made her first appearance on the political stage in September 2010, when her mother cradled the then six-week-old baby in a sling during a sitting. The little girl's father, Renato Cerioli, is also an Italian politician.
Familiar face: Victoria gets a helping hand with her headphones from a male delegate in Strasbourg source: dailymail